These tough times have brought people together in unexpected ways and the only ones who are helping these people celebrate the start of their new life together are the event planners! With a little bit of assistance from an event organizer... Learn More
The pandemic has impacted the wedding industry really bad. Couples are in a state of panic, venues are closing, and everyone seems to be clueless. All planning of the dream engagement parties got spoiled because of lockdown in many countries. Many... Learn More
Indian wedding is being considered as a big celebration and the most important life event of each Indian’s life. For this special day, people start planning, budgeting, and preparation before a month ago. And all these works are being done... Learn More
In the busy schedule, handling the events single-handedly has become a tough task. And when it’s your first time, you may find more difficulty in arranging and organizing things. Hiring professional event planners can help in reducing stress. But in... Learn More